電影茶 Movie Chat







電影茶是一個開始於2017年,由兩位教育部公費留學生白潔儒、盧憶兩人,於舊金山和聖路易兩地遠端創立的每週一次的廣播直播節目,由一位電影人與一位非電影專業職人來對談。在節目中我們用不同的專業角度來看一部電影,並與大家分享這部電影戲裡戲外的人生感受。 2019年因兩人生涯規劃暫停節目更新,於2022年重新換血加入4位來自美國、韓國、越南與印尼共4位外籍學生,並將電影茶節目方向重整為,向西方觀眾介紹亞洲電影,也讓更多英文的聽眾透過不同的觀點認識亞洲電影。

 Chatty Movie Chat was weekly live broadcasting called ‘Movie Chat’ starting in 2017. It was host by 2 fellow students of Taiwanese Government Sponsorship for Overseas Study, Chieh Ju Pai and Yi Lu. This multi-media podcast founded remotely in San Francisco and St. Lewis. It was host by a filmmaker and a non-film professional. During the show, we will watch a film through different professional perspectives and share the insights from the film. In 2019, this program was postponed due to personal career plannings. In 2022, we recruited 4 foreign students from USA, Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia. These new blood brought their new perspectives in this show. Therefore, we change the direction to introduce Asian Films to Western audience. Moreover, we can make English audience to know a different point of views of Asian Films.